2024年8月15日 星期四






1.  請每天簽閱聯絡簿,並檢查回家功課,多元化作業請家長多鼓勵配合。

2.  請督導孩子每日依課表整理書包、學用品,以減輕書包重量。

3.  請讓孩子在家用完早餐再上學,儘量勿帶到校食用。經驗中常發現孩子將早餐帶到學校常忘了吃或不想吃而丟棄。

4.  盡可能不要讓孩子帶玩具到學校,若上課玩弄,會予以暫時保管。

5.  協助孩子將個人使用的學用品寫明班級姓名或貼上姓名貼,養成愛物惜物的好習慣。

6.  可以利用開學前幫孩子準備個人物品(水杯、衛生紙)、文具用品(鉛筆、橡皮擦、彩色筆…)等。

7.  因年紀較小,請避免讓孩子帶錢或貴重物品到校。

8.  學校由政府免費供餐,請務必告知是否有乳糖不耐症   或是要選擇素食。(😊8/30開學日當天會先以餐盒代替,開學當天12點學生帶餐盒走正門放學。若家長不能12點來接的孩子,先在各班等待,各班老師12:40再帶這些學生到大門跟二年級的學生 一起放學。)


9.  .為了避免寶貝上廁所不知所措,請家長務必在開學前讓他們先學會使用蹲式 馬桶。



補記1 學生不強迫購買制服或運動服,因為整體感所以建議買運動服就好喔!星期三是便服日。

補記2  由於學生獎學金、學校退費皆使用學生郵帳系統,所以請家長利用暑假到郵局開學生的帳戶。

補記3    如有要提出各種學費補助申請的學生,利用開學前至國稅局申請財產總歸戶及112年度全戶所得證明。學校預計9/10召開審查會議。





















Hello!I am very pleased to serve as your child's homeroom teacher for the next two years and to accompany them in their learning journey. It's a great fortune for us to work together for your child's growth in the coming years. Let us look forward to a wonderful and enriching two years of school life. 

Below are the notes regarding cooperation:

### Parent Cooperation Requests:

1. Please sign the communication book daily and check homework. Encourage your child with diverse assignments.

2. Please supervise your child to organize their school bag and supplies daily according to the class schedule to reduce the weight of their bag.

3. Make sure your child has breakfast at home before coming to school, and try to avoid bringing food to school. Experience shows that children often forget to eat or discard their breakfast if they bring it to school.

4. Please avoid letting your child bring toys to school. If they play with them during class, they will be temporarily kept by the teacher.

5. Assist your child in labeling their personal supplies with their class and name, cultivating the habit of cherishing belongings.

6. You can help prepare personal items (water bottle, tissue) and stationery (pencils, erasers, colored pens, etc.) before school starts.

7. Due to their young age, please avoid allowing your child to bring money or valuables to school.

8. The school provides free meals. Please inform us if your child has lactose intolerance or needs vegetarian options. 😊 On the first day of school (August 30), students will use lunch boxes, and those who cannot be picked up at noon will wait in their classrooms. Teachers will escort these students to the gate at 12:40 PM to leave with second-grade students.

   Starting from September 2, students will eat in the classroom, so they must bring their own utensils daily. Dismissal time is at 12:40 PM.

9. To avoid confusion when using the restroom, please ensure your child learns how to use a squat toilet before school starts.

10. If you have proof of being from a low-income household, please inform us, as we can assist you in applying for breakfast and registration fee subsidies.

11. During the first week of school, new students will be dismissed fifteen minutes earlier. Parents or after-school care teachers can help new students familiarize themselves with waiting spots. After-school care teachers cannot enter the classroom to pick up students.

**Additional Notes:**

1. Students are not required to purchase uniforms or sportswear; for uniformity, it is recommended to purchase sportswear only! Wednesday is casual dress day.

2. Since student scholarships and refunds are processed through the student postal accounts system, please open a student account at the post office during the summer break.

3. For students applying for various tuition assistance, please apply for property and income certificates from the National Taxation Bureau before school starts. The school plans to hold a review meeting on September 10.

### Cooperation in Teaching

Parents are asked to purchase the following items at their own expense (the teacher has a purchasing service):

Total: 402 TWD. If you have concerns about participating in the group purchase, please contact the teacher privately.

1. Storage box: 42 TWD (to be kept in the classroom drawer).

2. Large hard board: 130 TWD (to be placed on the desk).

3. Small broom set: 30 TWD (for children to clean their seating areas).

4. Two writing practice books: 90 TWD (for writing practice).

5. Chinese and math exercise books: 110 TWD (for practice).

