2024年8月30日 星期五

8/30班級事務提醒 Class Affairs Reminder


1.學校社團(課後及晨間……)社團報名表,採網路報名 Google表單的報名日期訂為113年9月2日(一)10:00至113年9月4日(三)23:00止,🌟以報名先後順序為錄取依據🌟報名方式:掃描招生簡章上的QR code或學校網頁首頁 (報名連結已公告於校網左側)  表單於9/2(一) 10:00才會開放報名喔!  





  ★如果有意願擔任學校志工   也可以索取志工招募表喔

    ★孩子們的座位都是暫時安排   之後我會再依照身高或是特殊狀況再調整喔

每個孩子都是獨立的個體   都是寶貝   都有個別的狀況   

有幾個特殊的孩子需要特別的不一樣的關注   老師並不會因為這樣忽略其他的孩子喔    之後的兩年裡我們都要共同在愉快的氛圍裡學習     在互助的環境中成長    在這裡也跟大家互相勉勵喔

8/30 ★ Today’s announcements:  

1. The school club registration forms (for after-school and morning clubs, etc.) are being distributed. Online registration via Google Forms will be available from 10:00 AM on September 2, 2024, to 11:00 PM on September 4, 2024. 🌟 Acceptance will be based on the order of registration. 🌟 To register, please scan the QR code on the recruitment brochure or visit the school’s homepage (the registration link is posted on the left side of the school website). The form will not be open for registration until 10:00 AM on September 2.  

2. The emergency contact form for the health center and the consent form for using fluoridated mouthwash must be filled out and signed before being returned.  

3. An invitation for the class parent-teacher meeting on the evening of September 6 is being distributed (🌟 Each class needs three parent representatives; parents interested in volunteering should contact me).  

★ The communication books will be introduced to the children on Monday, September 2, and they will start bringing them home daily for signatures.  

★ Textbooks and workbooks will be distributed starting next week, allowing children to familiarize themselves with the subjects according to their daily schedule.  

★ If you are interested in volunteering at the school, you can also request a volunteer recruitment form.  

★ The seating for the children is temporarily arranged, and I will adjust it based on height or special circumstances later. Each child is an independent individual, a treasure, and has their own unique situation. There are a few special children who require different kinds of attention, but the teacher will not neglect the other children because of this. In the next two years, we will learn together in a joyful atmosphere, grow in a supportive environment, and encourage one another here.

