2024年9月5日 星期四

113學年度親師座談會 校務宣達



壹、     校務宣達:
















 () 視力保健,用眼30分鐘休息10分鐘「3010」。            




























依據「兒童及少年福利與權益保障法」,對於管教過當行為,教育人員有依法通報  之責任與義務。























參考網址  https://www.trendmicro.com/zh_tw/forHome/edu.html












1.     我和我的孩子:一本給家長的手冊(低年級)


        2. 我和我的孩子:一本給家長的手冊(中年級)


        3. 我和我的孩子:一本給家長的手冊(高年級)




1.  組織班親會,任務編組協助班級經營。

2.  溝通教師教學理念及班級經營策略。

3.  介紹學校網頁與班級網頁,宣導教育部全民資安素養網

4.      運動會班級團競與當日人力支援。

5.  親子教養經驗分享。

6.  學童上下學及家長接送交通安全教育宣導。

**Taoyuan Municipal Tong-An Elementary School Parent-Teacher Meeting for the 2024 School Year**

I. **School Announcements:**

**General Affairs Office: Campus Safety Guidelines:**

1. To maintain campus safety, students are not allowed to return to the classroom after dismissal to retrieve their homework.

2. Please conserve water and electricity to promote energy saving and carbon reduction.

3. Show respect for the school environment by not littering or damaging school property.

4. Please adhere to the school’s opening hours to ensure teaching quality and student safety.

**Student Affairs Office:**

1. Health education guidelines to prevent diseases such as enterovirus, dengue fever, COVID-19, flu, etc.:

   1. If a student has a fever (over 38°C), parents are advised to seek medical attention and allow the child to rest at home to prevent spreading infections.

   2. Classrooms have been disinfected with 500ppm bleach solution. Families are encouraged to reinforce handwashing and cleaning at home.

   3. If a student falls ill, parents must notify the class teacher, who will report it to the health team.

   4. To prevent dengue fever, eliminate any standing water around the home according to the "Inspect, Empty, Scrub, and Clean" principle to prevent mosquito breeding.

   5. Lighten school bags to make students happier. The bag's weight should not exceed 12.5% of the student's body weight.

   6. Avoid smoking, betel nut, and drugs; maintain good health by washing hands, brushing teeth, and rinsing with water.

   7. Eye care: Follow the "30-10 rule," resting for 10 minutes after 30 minutes of screen time.

   8. The Ministry of Education promotes the "Healthy Body" concept, which includes five core habits:  

      8: Get 8 hours of sleep daily.  

      5: Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.  

      2: Limit screen time to 2 hours daily.  

      1: Engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.  

      0: Avoid sugary drinks and drink more water.

2. After-school clubs on Mondays and Thursdays will start on 9/16 (Monday), while morning exercise clubs on Tuesdays and Fridays will begin on 9/20 (Friday).

3. The school’s annual sports day is scheduled for Saturday, October 5, 2024. Parents are welcome to attend.

4. Ensure students eat breakfast before coming to school to maintain their health and fully engage in school activities.

5. Monitor students’ safety and routine after school. Prevent loitering in internet cafes or crossing roads unsafely to ensure safety.

6. Character and family education are the cornerstones of a child's life. Parents should monitor their children’s behavior and encourage close parent-child interaction.

7. Keep the student pick-up and drop-off areas clear to facilitate smooth transitions.

8. Help guide children to cross the street safely. If a crossing guard is present, ensure children use the designated crossing. Otherwise, follow the five road safety rules.

9. If a student is transported by an after-school care service, ensure the vehicle's safety and legality. 1. Yellow buses cannot transport elementary students. 2. Vehicles must not be modified and must avoid overloading. 3. An attendant must accompany the vehicle. 4. Refer to "Taoyuan City E-Road Safety Network" for more details.

10. To maintain campus safety, parents should drop off students at the school gate and not accompany them inside.

11. The city government has established a school lunch ingredient tracking platform connected to the Ministry of Education’s Campus Food Ingredient Registration Platform 2.0 to ensure food safety. Parents can access it via the school’s website.

12. The school promotes anti-bullying awareness to create a safe and happy learning environment. The school’s anti-bullying hotline: 3174294; Taoyuan City hotline: 0800-775889, 3322101-7450; Ministry of Education hotline: 1953.

    (Note: “Campus bullying is always a serious issue, but not all serious campus incidents are bullying.” For more information on bullying, refer to the Ministry of Education’s anti-bullying section.)

13. In cases of suspected sexual assault, harassment, or bullying, the school follows the Gender Equity Education Act. The investigation and complaint forms are provided for reference.

14. Parents have the right and duty to discipline their children, as outlined in Civil Law Article 1085, which allows parental discipline within necessary limits. However, discipline should not turn into abuse. For more details, please refer to the Ministry of Education Family Education website: https://moe.familyedu.moe.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=236&pid=2313

15. In response to dengue fever, the school has implemented these measures:

    1. Installing screens on windows and doors in lower-level classrooms.

    2. Providing mosquito traps, electric swatters, and repellents based on classroom needs.

    3. Removing standing water on campus.

    4. Requesting the Health Bureau to work with the Water Resources Bureau to clean ditches around the school.

    5. Advising students to avoid grassy areas to reduce mosquito bites.

    6. Students may wear long sleeves to prevent bites.

16. **Water Safety Reminder:**  

   For any water activities, ensure they are conducted in locations with certified lifeguards and life-saving equipment. Avoid dangerous areas like rivers, streams, or fishponds without lifeguards.

17. The school will follow Taoyuan City government’s COVID-19 safety measures. Parents should stay updated on the school website and maintain contact with class teachers.

18. Parents should educate their children about crisis awareness, boundary respect, and seeking help from teachers or trusted adults when needed.

**Academic Affairs Office:**

1. This semester, 11 after-school care classes will be offered, each accommodating up to 25 students. Parents can register for the waitlist at the Academic Affairs Office.

2. The school will host a Character Reading Class every Monday night from 7 to 8 PM at the library, starting 9/9. Families are encouraged to join.

3. Mid-term evaluations will take place on 11/7-11/8 (Thursday and Friday), excluding first grade. Final exams will be held on 1/7-1/8, 2024, and the closing ceremony on 1/20.

4. Monitor students' online activity to prevent addiction to mobile games and promote awareness of cybersecurity and online ethics.

5. The "Parental Digital Literacy Guidelines" help parents understand digital learning rules and principles to foster children's autonomous learning. 

6. Trend Micro and the Ministry of Education have launched Internet Guardian 3.0 to promote healthy online habits among children.

**Guidance Office:**

1. If a student is experiencing academic or emotional difficulties, parents can consult the class teacher or the guidance office.

2. For students requiring special care, please provide a doctor's note so appropriate assistance can be arranged.

3. Students who struggle academically can receive tutoring during morning study sessions or through remedial teaching programs. Parents are encouraged to support their child's progress.

4. Under the Child Welfare Act, teachers are required to report any suspicious injuries or unexplained absences.

5. Parents should control their emotions when disciplining children to prevent physical or emotional harm. The guidance office offers resources and consultation services for parenting concerns.

6. If only one parent has custody, please provide documentation to safeguard your rights.

7. The guidance office will host family education workshops, inviting parents to share successful parenting experiences.

8. Guidelines for managing children's use of technology:

   1. Teach appropriate internet usage.

   2. Set limits on screen time.

   3. Carefully consider requests for smartphones.

   4. Lead by example by reducing personal screen time.

9. "Me and My Child," an educational resource by the Ministry of Education and National Open University, helps parents address common parenting challenges. Parents can access online materials and resources.

II. **Discussion Topics:**

1. Organizing the Parent Association and forming groups to assist with class management.

2. Discussing teachers' educational philosophies and classroom management strategies.

3. Introducing the school website and the Ministry of Education’s cybersecurity awareness website.

4. Coordinating class sports day events and organizing volunteer support.

5. Sharing parenting experiences.

6. Promoting traffic safety education for student commutes and parent pick-up/drop-off procedures.

