2024年9月6日 星期五



閱讀可以讓孩子看到更寬廣的世界!為了讓孩子們更喜歡閱讀,本校參與了「臺中市推動校園閱讀線上認證系統」https://read.tc.edu.tw/book_dynamic_2020.php  ——小朋友讀完一本書之後,可以利用這個網站來自我檢測、紀錄閱讀的成果,並藉由系統回饋給予獎勵。




1.  高年級的小朋友認證高年級適合閱讀的書籍,通過後每一本可獲得3分,但如果認證中低年級適合閱讀的書本,通過後每一本可以獲得1分。


1.  每一本可獲得3分,但如果認證低年級適合閱讀的書本,通過後每一本可以獲得1分。

2.  低年級的小朋友認證各年級適合閱讀的書本,每一本都可以獲得3分。



1.麻雀:0~99  2.白頭翁:100~299 3.綠繡眼:300~599 4.紅鳩:600~999 5.紅尾伯勞:1000~1499  6.紅嘴黑鵯:1500~2099 7.白耳畫眉:2100~2999 8.台灣藍鵲:3000分以上


1.學生達紅嘴黑琵鵯 頒予閱讀鳥獎勵卡及閱讀小學士獎狀乙張。

2.學生達白耳畫眉 頒予閱讀鳥獎勵卡及閱讀小碩士獎狀乙張

3.學生達台灣藍鵲 頒予閱讀鳥獎勵卡及閱讀小博士獎狀乙張



同安國民小學教務處 敬啟

Dear Parents,

Reading allows children to explore a broader world! To encourage our students to enjoy reading, our school is participating in the "Taichung City Campus Reading Online Certification System" (https://read.tc.edu.tw/book_dynamic_2020.php). After finishing a book, children can use this website to assess themselves, record their reading achievements, and earn rewards through the system's feedback.

Since its launch in December 2007, the system's database now holds up to 38,999 certified books. These resources have been built voluntarily by teachers and volunteers across schools during their spare time, and the collection continues to grow. When students enter the website to take a reading certification test, the system will randomly select 10 questions, and if they answer at least 8 correctly, they will pass the certification. The results of each certification are recorded by the system, and children can check their progress online anytime. This helps them refine their reading strategies, and their certification scores will continue to accumulate until they graduate from elementary school (scores are not affected by grade promotion or school transfers) and will be permanently saved in the system.

The Academic Affairs Office has already set up accounts for first-grade students (account format: taestyc+112 (school year)+class+seat number. For example, for Class 1, Seat 1, the account would be taestyc112010101), and these accounts can be activated at any time. Parents, please assist your child in logging into the system and changing the password (the initial password is 0000, and it can be up to 8 digits). Once completed, they can begin their reading journey! We hope that parents can accompany and encourage their children to read more and use the reading certification system to give themselves some rewards and feedback.

Reading Certification Points and Reward System:

  1. Upper-grade students who pass the certification for books suitable for upper-grade reading will earn 3 points per book. However, if they pass the certification for books suitable for lower or middle grades, they will earn 1 point per book.

  2. Middle-grade students who pass the certification for books suitable for middle or upper grades will earn 3 points per book, but for lower-grade books, they will earn 1 point per book.

  3. Lower-grade students who pass the certification for books suitable for any grade level will earn 3 points per book.

Our goal is to encourage students to read books suitable for their grade level. For those capable of challenging higher levels, we are happy to offer greater rewards! We encourage all our students to give their best effort. Due to the point system, we will classify reading certification achievers by grade level so that everyone can be recognized for their hard work!

Reading Bird Classification System:

  1. Sparrow: 0–99 points
  2. White Wagtail: 100–299 points
  3. Japanese White-eye: 300–599 points
  4. Red Turtle Dove: 600–999 points
  5. Brown Shrike: 1000–1499 points
  6. Black Bulbul: 1500–2099 points
  7. White-eared Sibia: 2100–2999 points
  8. Taiwan Blue Magpie: 3000 points and above

Reward System:

  1. Students reaching the Black Bulbul level will be awarded a Reading Bird Reward Card and a Junior Scholar Reading Certificate.
  2. Students reaching the White-eared Sibia level will receive a Reading Bird Reward Card and a Junior Master's Reading Certificate.
  3. Students reaching the Taiwan Blue Magpie level will receive a Reading Bird Reward Card, a Junior Doctorate Reading Certificate, and a limited-edition "Taiwan Blue Magpie" keychain.
  4. Every year, rewards are calculated and announced in the system at the beginning of January and June, with prizes sent to the school for distribution.

Academic Affairs Office
Tong'an Elementary School


