2024年9月11日 星期三



 **Vaccine Consent Forms**: Two consent forms were distributed today. Please return them in the folder, along with the folder itself.



 1.新冠疫苗與流感疫苗 同時施打 。分不同部位(左右手)





1. The COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine can be administered simultaneously at different sites (left and right arms).

2. The flu vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, and according to official instructions, it can be administered simultaneously. If parents have concerns, they may choose whether to administer it; it is not mandatory.

3. Vaccination date: October 9, 2024.

4. Regardless of consent, all forms must be returned to the health center for the purpose of counting doses.

A reminder! Both vaccines will be administered simultaneously!

Please submit the consent form to the Health Center by September 20th to facilitate the calculation of vaccine doses

Example of Filling Out the Above

Tong'an Elementary School

On-campus Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Activity

Vaccination Schedule

  • Date: October 9
  • Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Location: Activity Center
  • Vaccine Brands:
    • COVID-19: Moderna (JN.1)
    • Flu: Based on availability on the day (no brand choice)

Friendly Reminders

  • Don’t forget to bring your National Health Insurance card!
  • Please read the vaccination guidelines carefully!

